Sometimes I Just Don’t Know – Out Now!

My brand new album ‘Sometimes I Just Don’t Know’ is now officially released and I couldn’t be happier! It is available on Vinyl, CD, Digital and on all the major streaming networks.

Apple Music
Rock Indiana (CD – Europe)

I would love to hear what you think of the record and would equally love for you to help spread the word about the album by sharing it to all the socials and posting up pics of your Vinyl or CD copies.

A quick thank you to this lot who were a massive part of the making of this record: Russell Crawford, Brian Crouch, Dave Hatt, Dave Keys, Josh Schuberth, Peta Caswell, Chris Familton, Clem Castro/Lilystars Records, Pablo Carrero/Rock Indiana & Michael Carpenter. None of this would be possible without these exceptional friends of mine.

Finally a thank you to YOU for buying, listening and sharing this new record. I’ve been humbled by the great reception I have received so far from you folks. I’m awfully proud of it and hope you enjoy listening to it as much as I did recording it.

See you at a show!

Reviews for ‘Sometimes I Just Don’t Know’ & ‘I’m not ready for this’:

“… the result is the best work he’s ever done: concentrated in its writing, playing, sound and intent, and not just satisfying, but lasting.” – Bernard Zuel

“He has a knack for making incredible power pop – classic pop songs” – Jeff Jenkins

“A beautifully sentimental and polished outing with its engrossing melodic wanderings and subtle power-pop soarings à la Elvis Costello and The Jayhawks” – Tiana Speter (The Soundcheck)