Looking Back – 2017

 Pic by Leah Galvin

Coming towards the end of 2017 and it’s got me thinking how my output this year has been a bit sparse and inconsistent. But it definitely did have some highlights.

1. Touring my birth country, The Philippines with Asian indie legends The Camerawalls. Amazing experience and exceeded all my expectations. Thanks Clem, Law, Bach, Venj & Antonette especially.

2. Playing with my Tempe Two mates in Dave Keys & Russell Crawford. Though we hardly play together, it always feels just right when we do. Our last gig at Staves Brewery is a prime example of this. Check out the video below.

3. Reuniting with Michael Carpenter – Record Producer after a decade and recording my last single ‘Rattled and Rolled’. Always a pleasure working with this juggernaut. And I think the song goes alright too!

4. Having an unexpected reunion with my old band The Hazeys. It’s been brilliant so far. Big things for 2018 planned – Look out!

5. Singing Tom Petty tunes with some of Sydney’s finest. TP’s loss was a blow but this event went a long way to ease some of the pain.

So that’s it for the year. Thanks for all those who supported my music in one way or another. Always grateful. Here’s to a great 2018 for the lot of us!
