Happy to reveal that Rock Indiana have released what is now my 8th solo album – ‘Subject to Change’ [CD/ Digital] !This album is a compilation of all the music I have released from 2020 to now, including my current single ‘Is there anybody there?’. Despite the weirdness of the last few years, I’ve been lucky enough to still be able to work with brilliant producers like Josh Schuberth – Producer, Mixer, Instrumentalist , Josh Pyke , Wade Jackson , Michael Carpenter – Record Producer & Tim Kevin on these tunes. That was my escape from it all. CD will be available at all my Spanish tour shows, on the Rock Indiana Website and my Bandcamp store in May.
CD Artwork by Teresa Compraire Dominic Meler
Rock Indiana Presents:Bryan Estepa – GIRA ESPAÑOLA ABRIL 2024
Domingo 21 Barcelona ( La Deskomunal )
Miércoles 24 Bilbao (Colegio de Abogados)
Jueves 25 Madrid (Wurlitzer Ballroom )
Viernes 26 Valencia ( Loco Club )
Sábado 27 Castellón (Because pop ‘n’ roll )