⭐️⭐️⭐️ Tour Announcement ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Hola Spain!

Very happy to announce that I’m finally coming back to play for you in April this year!

Rock Indiana Presents:
Bryan Estepa – GIRA ESPAÑOLA ABRIL 2024

Domingo 21 Barcelona (Deskomunal)
Miércoles 24 Bilbao (Colegio de Abogados)
Jueves 25 Madrid (Wurlitzer Ballroom)
Viernes 26 Valencia (El Loco Club)
Sábado 27 Castellón (Because)

I’ll be joined by these terrific musicians & long time Spanish friends of mine in my touring band – Javi Extremera (Guitars), Juan Carlos Luque (Bass), Santi Campos (Keys) & Jonathan Zuriaga (Drums).

More details to come on each show, but we can’t wait to get back on the road. Share the news and we will see you soon!

We’re gonna kick off the year with a show at the much loved Petersham Bowling Club (PBC) on Friday, 23rd February 2024. Hope to see you there!

Gig Info:
A super night of Sydney Indie Rock hits the Petersham Bowling Club with the terrific combination of the Bryan Estepa Band, Oliver and Danny Yau.

Singer-Songwriter, Bryan Estepa has been a mainstay of the Sydney Indie music scene over the past two decades and will perform his acclaimed 2006 debut solo album ‘All the bells and whistles’ in full, with his terrific band. Comeback kids and Sydney Indie legends Oliver are back in the scene in a big way with the release and launch of their brilliant new self-titled album. Rounding off the night will be another excellent Singer-Songwriter in Danny Yau (The Reservations, Lazy Susan, Just Ace 90’s Podcast), who will fill us with songs that delves on love, loss, joy and a homage to life in the Inner West of Sydney.

Tickets on sale now: https://events.humanitix.com/bryan-estepa-band-oliver-album-launch-danny-yau/tickets?fbclid=IwAR1kJ7SC7SPstz9kTjKRO3bFDBFi3D0k5FhVPV_nqm6Jlj8rZdvfHjJJNnk

⚠️ New Music News ⚠️

Excited to announce that I’m sneaking in a new single before we say goodbye to 2023! Song: ‘That was the day’ – written by Daniel Wylie (Cosmic Rough Riders) and Produced by Michael Carpenter – Record Producer . Two greats in my mind.

Release Date: 8th December 2023 via Lilystars Records . Available on all your friendly digital platforms and to buy on Bandcamp.

This will also be part of the 30th Anniversary compilation of legendary Spanish indie label – Rock Indiana Records. Huge Milestone for this label that took a gamble on this little known songwriter 17 years ago!

Presave ‘That was the day’ – https://lilystars.co/thatwastheday-bryanestepa

Thank you all!

#thatwastheday #newmusic

I am ridiculously excited to be sailing again with my 12 wonderful band mates from Smooth Sailing Yacht Rock Party on NYE at Marrickville Bowling Club!

For those who don’t know I’ve been part of this amazing Yacht Rock Band over the past 3 years as one of their singers and having the time of my life. How can we not when we get to sing songs by Toto, George Benson, Steely Dan, Hall & Oates and all your other favourite smooth Yacht Rock stars. It’s one of the most joyous musical experiences of my life and it rubs off on our audience. So please join us for this huge night!

Show details and Purchase info below:

This news update is well overdue but I would like to introduce you to my new band Delta Green!

Delta Green is a Dynamic Blues Rock inspired by iconic British Blues of the 60s and 70s and is made up of Tom Sowonja – Vox/Guitars, Bryan Estepa – Vox/Guitars, Chris Duffy – Bass and Pete Timmerman – Drums. We have played two amazing shows already and can’t wait to be gigging more in 2024. It’s always been a dream of mine to be in a Blues Rock band as it is such an important part of my musical being so it is so amazing to finally make this happen. Even better to do it with my childhood friend Tom, who is my oldest musical partner and one I can geek out with on all things guitars, which for those who know me well is an obsession!

Follow our Blues odysseys on all our socials below:

For band or show enquiries, email us on: deltagreen.band@gmail.com


To help celebrate the 10th Birthday of ‘Heart vs Mind’, my superb band (Russell Crawford, Dave Keys, Dave Hatt, Brian Crouch) & I, will be playing a special show and performing the album in it’s entirety! A very rare thing! This event is happening on Friday, May 5 at the much loved Golden Barley Hotel Enmore.

Making this party even more special will be the fact that the superb Alannah Russack’s Music (of legendary Oz band The Hummingbirds!) and my great mates from Tall Squeeze joining us on this huge FREE event.

This is gonna be one hell of a night and one we’re so excited to play at. Would dearly love to see you there, friends.#heartvsmind#thebarley

Happy 10th birthday to ‘Heart Vs Mind’!

A very special record that was made at a time when my musical and personal lives were intertwining in all the right places. A collection of songs filled with hope, love and optimism.

Massive credit especially to producer Adrian Deutsch for masterfully steering it in the right direction and the small crew of my talented friends who sprinkled their magic on it. The beautiful artwork by my cousin Lee Queza.

Would love for you to listen to this album for the first time and/or rediscover it again. Share your thoughts & memories on it too.

Link to listen:



Beyond thrilled to announce that the legendary Australian artist Diesel has invited me to open for him at his Lizotte’s Newcastle shows on Dec 2 & 3. I’m still in a state of disbelief that I get this chance to share a stage with one of my biggest musical influences. So I’ll play it cool from now but far out!.

Tickets are on sale now via the Lizottes website.
Fri, Dec 2 –https://lizottes.com.au/live/shows/booking/3399
Sat, Dec 3 – https://lizottes.com.au/live/shows/booking/3400#Diesel

Join us for our final headline show for 2022!

Excited to have the wonderful R&B/Soul artist Melita join us on this bill. I adore her songs and singing. Another special part of the night will be an ultra rare gig from my old band Adeline, to belatedly launch the new record ‘Adeline (The Early Years)’.

FREE show. See you at The Barley!